Marketing Resources

Crafting the Perfect Social Bio

Written by Yellow | Aug 8, 2023 3:37:10 AM

Not only is a social account the gateway for social ads and posts, but for more and more customers, it's their first taste of your brand and business. So, let's make a good impression with a social bio that attracts your customers and entices them to keep scrolling. Whether you're setting up a fresh account or looking to revamp your existing accounts, be sure to lead with your best foot forward and nail your social bios. 

Why are social bios so important?

When it comes to social, it’s easy to jump straight to ads or posts and gloss over your social bios. While it can be easy to skip over, your bios do a lot of heavy lifting. With more customers researching a brand on social platforms, your acts as the very first introduction to your brand and business, and can be deciding factor for them to learn more and get to the good stuff, or scroll away.

Here’s why your bio is so important, it:

  • Is a snapshot of who you are and what you do
    Acting as the first glimpse of your business and brand. Customers will look at your bio or about us section to figure out if you're the service or product they're after.
  • Makes your brand more findable
    Using relevant keywords helps new and existing customers find you as they're searching.
  • Drives traffic to your website (or wherever you want to go)
    Having a link to your website, or desired destination, creates a frictionless experience for your customers as they find you or want to learn more. 

The Essentials Ingredients for a Social Bio 

While each social platform varies, they all have many of the same elements to consider when setting up your social bio.

✅ Username

When choosing a username, be consistent. You may not be able to get an exact match or your desired username, so pick one that matches or aligns with your business as closely as possible and use that across the board. If you can't get your hands on the perfect username, try adding in an underscore or location abbreviated to create a variation of the name you're after.

Some brands have been using their username as a call to action, going with the formula “Get + [business or product name]”, encouraging customers to buy from the getgo. 

✅ Bio

Your bio is your customer's first look at your business, who you are and what you do, as well as a chance to show off your brand's voice and personality. While this sounds like a lot to nail, you can do this well with just a few choice words.

✅ Keywords

Gone are the days when keywords were just for websites! Incorporating relevant keywords into your bios attracts customers searching for your products and services, or even values. 

Including your services, industry or what you do ensures visibility on the explore page and exposure to new customers searching these terms.

Alternatively, you can attract customers whose values align with yours by incorporating this into your bio.

e.g. if your products are eco-friendly and potential new customers are on the hunt for products that are good for the environment, this keyword could help them find you on the explore page or attract them as they browse.

✅ Profile Photo

Use a recognisable and high-quality image for your profile photo and make sure it's the same one across each platform! Using the same profile photo helps with branding, and makes you easily recognisable from platform to platform as well as when customers are searching for your website. As a visual touchpoint, this will make it even easier for customers to recognise and find your brand.

✅ Cover or banner photos (LinkedIn & FB)

Don't leave these blank! Not only will it make your profile look unfinished, but this is prime real estate to showcase your staff, ongoing promotions or display a captivating image that aligns with your brand's personality.

✅ Location (IG, TikTok) 

Adding your location makes you findable as customers search for services or businesses in their area. 

Set your profiles up as business accounts: This will give you more options as well as access to analytics. 

✅ Links

If you don't have a link driving your customers to your desired destination, you're missing out! While some platforms have limits on how many links you can have, you should always have a link to your website. And if you want to display more than one link, tools like are free and easy to set up. Letting you sidestep that problem.

With these essentials in place, you should be able to get your social profiles working harder for you and your business. And if you're after more tip, tricks and insights, be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn