Marketing Resources

Are your systems working for you?

Written by Yellow | Feb 22, 2024 1:30:00 AM

Not sure if your current systems are the best fit for your current business? Whether you're running solo or have a team behind you, it never hurts to make sure your systems are working in the best possible way for your business. And if it's been a while since you last took a look at your systems and procedures, now might be the time to audit your processes and check in. 

Benefits of a System Audit

If you're on the fence about conducting a system audit or wondering if it'll be worth your while, here are a couple of reasons to get you off the fence. Ultimately, it'll allow you to operate faster, eliminate time consuming manual processes and give you and your team time back. But, it'll also:

  • Minimise Risk: A system audit will highlight where you might be at risk, or could be better protected. Depending on your setup this could be things like relying on systems and software you may have outgrown, is no longer up to date or isn't supported. 
  • Optimise your workflow and save time: The saying "that's how we've alway done things" is not unusual and for good reason. Often we get trapped in the day-to-day, continuing on with what we've always known either because we don't have the capacity or resource to explore new methods. An audit gives you dedicated time to ask if it's really serving you and your business. 
  • Improved decision making: An audit will arm you with the knowledge to make informed, data-driven choices. 
  • Reduce costs and improve productivity: Who doesn't want to save time and money? An audit will help you streamline daily tasks and mitigate wasted effort, making you a productivity wizard.

Before getting started 

Set the Scene 

Before diving into the audit process, take the time to set the stage for success and define the scope of your audit. Some questions to consider:

  • What areas are you going to focus on?
  • What are the outcomes you want? And do they align with your business goals?
  • Is there anything you know isn't working?

Sort out your documentation

Then, gather any documents that will help with the audit, these can be documented processes by you or your team, software manuals, performance metrics or user guides. Anything that's referred or used on a regular basis should be included in this.

Get your team involved

Whether you're a sole trader or employer, be sure to get your team on board for this. It's an undertaking that will impact both you and them, so it'll be good to get their insights on areas of improvement, what's working and any gaps there might be. 

If you're running solo, you can still get some outside support! In times like this, employing a business advisor can be particularly useful to get an outside perspective as well as a fresh set of eyes. 

Conducting your audit

Now that you've got everything you need, it's time to get started. Set some dedicated, uninterrupted time aside to go through and assess your systems. Not sure where to start? Here a few things we look at when doing our own audit. 

1. Processes:

  • Are there unnecessary steps or bottlenecks hindering your workflow?
  • Do you find yourself skipping so called mandatory steps?
  • Are there bottlenecks that often get in the way of productivity?  

2. Technology

  • Does the technology you use work for you?
  • Are you using multiple programs to achieve one job?
  • Is there software out there that can consolidate this?
  • Does the software you use support your current business and scale?

3. Communication 

  • Is it easy to access or share information?
  • Are there unnecessary blockers that prevent staff from accessing the information they need?
  • Are your current lines of communication most effective - both for staff and customers?

4. Compliance and Security

  • Are your current processes and systems up to date with the law?
  • Are there any holes you would like to plug up?

Post Audit

Once you've completed your audit and gathered your insights, it's time to analyse your findings and go about making change. 

Looking into a new software to make managing your customers and communicating with your team a breeze? We can help with that! Book a call back with a Yellow Expert or click here to learn more